Ispirer Website Ispirer Toolkit Overview Free Trial

Target Options

At this page we need to specify the target database, where import will be done. Also in order to be able to make an import we have to provide target credentials that will be used by native utilities of the target database to connect to the target server and create all the objects in the required database.

According to the specified target database we have to provide information about:

  • Host/Server name
  • Port number
  • Database name (SID for Oracle or Instance number for SAP Hana database)
  • User name and a password to connect to the target database.

Also here you need to specify a path to the Bin Directory. This is the folder where the target database native utilities are stored on your computer where Ispirer Toolkit is installed. It means that to perform the import to the target database, you need to have the native utility installed on the computer where you run the conversion.

If you check the “Expert Mode” box in the lower left corner, the “Advanced” button will appear for expanded settings.

In this text-box you need to specify the path to the folder containing the native utilities that will be used to make an import into the target database. Usually path specification is not required as SQLWays Wizard automatically searches for the BIN directory. If the text-box is empty, first it searches the PATH variable, then it searches the registry. If it failed to find the path to the native utilities, no path is added to the import command and system may return the error during the import process.


For Oracle you need to specify the path to the folder containing the sqlldr.exe tool.

Microsoft SQL Server

For Microsoft SQL Server you need to specify the path to the folder containing the bcp.exe and sqlcmd.exe native utilities.


For MySQL database you need to specify the path to the folder containing the mysql.exe native utility.


For PostgreSQL database you need to specify the path to the folder containing the psql.exe native utility.


For Teradata database you need to specify the path to the folder containing the bteq.exe native utility.


For Sap Hana database you need to specify the path to the folder on local machine that contains the hdbsql.exe native utility.

Detailed information about Bin directory configuration for each target database can be found in the corresponding chapter on the Database: Setup and TroubleShooting page.

To determine if the required utility is installed on your machine, enter the utility’s name in the File Explorer search box:

Detailed information about advanced options for each target database can be found in the corresponding chapter on the Database: Setup and Troubleshooting page.

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Previous Page: Source Options

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