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Ispirer Toolkit Overview
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Ispirer Toolkit: Structure Changes
Migration is the best reason for any changes in the database, including refactoring, getting rid of unnecessary objects / data. The tool has a huge number of options that allow you to make automatic changes during conversion.
If you want to shuffle objects according to different schemes, it can be done at the level of objects of each type both for each schema and for each object separately, as indicated in the screenshots below.
If you want to change the names of objects/columns, you can change them as shown in the screenshots below:
You can also remove one or more columns from the table or change their types types as shown in the screenshot:
In this case, the mapping of schema/object/column names will be taken into account when converting other objects in this scope. If a table was used in the source stored procedure, the name of which will be changed, then the name of the table will also be changed in the converted code.
If you did not find a feature or a necessary option, contact us and we will help you choose the best tool configuration.
Related Topics
How to Change Objects Names During Migration
How to Split Table Structure into Several Parts
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