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Ispirer Toolkit Overview
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Ispirer Toolkit: Import Configuration
The migration process in SQLWays Wizard is divided into 2 stages - object conversion (including data extraction) and import (loading objects into the target database). By default, the tool determines order in which objects will be loaded into the target database. It is able to determine dependencies between objects and always loads parent objects before child ones.
However, there are often situations during the migration process where you need to set a custom import order. For example, if data in tables is migrated by other tools, or in other instances of our tool (the tool supports parallel mode), it is necessary that indexes and constraints are loaded into the target database last. To do this, there is an “Import” option on the migration page. You can disable loading of indexes and constraints, and only load DDL for tables. Then fill in the data, return to the tool, and import only the indexes and constraints. This will help get rid of any problems with dependencies and keys.
You can also disable automatic start of import using the option “Start Import Automatically”.
This can be useful if you need to place several ready-made and tested scripts into the results folder. For example, start converting the required objects - replace the .sql files with other files with the same names, upload them into the target database. You can also use the tool as a template to load a list of objects into the target database. This can be useful if you need to place several ready-made and tested scripts in the results folder.
Related Topics
How to Optimize Migration of Schema and Data
How to Run Ispirer SQLWays Wizard in Parallel Mode
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