Ispirer Website Ispirer Capabilities: Oracle Migration Free Trial

Oracle: ODBC Driver Installation for Windows

To obtain the Oracle ODBC driver, you will have to install the Oracle Client on the machine where you will run the migration.

You can download the Oracle client, that includes ODBC Driver, from the Oracle official website.

You need to choose the appropriate version, download and run it.

On the first page you need to choose the installation type. We recommend to install “Administrator” type:

Select languages on which this product will run:

Choose the Oracle base path and a location for storing Oracle software files:

Click “Finish” button and wait for the installation process is finished:

Run the installer file.

At the first page you need to select radio button ‘Use Windows Build-in Account’ item:

Select the Installation type ‘Administrator’ and check the Selected language.

Specify an Installation Location:

Perform Prerequisite Checks:

Run the installation:

Close the installer:

Then you will need to set up the TNS Service names and ODBC connections, the way it is shown in the articles below:

If you have any other questions, please contact us: