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How to Extract Piece of Data Using Conditions
Sometimes you can encounter the situation when you need to migrate only a piece of data or a data cut and you know the conditions, on which this piece of data can be defined. There is a feature in the SQLWays Wizard tool that allows to control the data that should be migrated. And the user can set such conditions for each table if required.
To use this feature, please:
- Click on a required table
- Go to the “Data” tab
- Check the “Condition” option on this tab
- Provide conditions for how it can be done in WHERE clause in the text box, using the sql syntax of your source database.
For the reference, please, see the screen-shot below:
If after clicking the table name, you don't see the “Data” tab, check whether you are using the tool in the “Expert Mode”. How to switch to the “Expert mode” in the tool, you can find here.
If you have any other questions, you are welcome to contact us: