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Sqlways.ini File - Section [VERTICA_ANALYTIC_DATABASE]

This article describes sqlways.ini file's [VERTICA_ANALYTIC_DATABASE] section and the options it contains.

Option name Description
TARGET_VERSION Specifies a target version of Vertica database.
HOST Specifies a remote host name where the target Vertica database is located.
DATABASE Specifies a database name that is used in generated scripts for Vertica.
USER Specifies a user name that is used in generated scripts for Vertica.
PWD Specifies a user password that is used in generated scripts for Vertica.
PORT Specifies a database server port for Vertica.
BIN Specifies the directory where Vertica utilities are located.
CONVERT_MULTILINE_TO_SINGLELINE_COMMENT This option controls the way the multi-line comments are converted to Vertica. The default value is “No”.
DEFAULT_STORAGE This option controls the partitioning mechanism to use while converting to Vertica. The default value is HASH_PARTITION_BY, which means that HASH PARTITION is used by default.
DISABLE_CONSTRAINTS This option defines whether constraints will be disabled or enabled. If the value is “Yes” then the constraints will be disabled. If the value is “No” then the constraints will be enabled. Works for primary key and foreign key constraints.
Possible values - “Yes”, “No” or Empty.
Default value - “No”. Usage example.

