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Sqlways.ini File - Section [SYBASE]

This article describes sqlways.ini file's [SYBASE] section and the options it contains.

Option name Description
BIN Specifies the directory where Sybase utilities like BCP and ISQL are located.
TARGET_VERSION Specifies the target version of Sybase database. If this option is empty the latest Sybase database version will be used.
Note: According to the version number conversion results may differ.
SERVER_NAME Specifies the server name that is used in generated scripts for the BCP and ISQL utilities (Parameter -S).
DATABASE Specifies the database name that is used in generated scripts for the BCP and ISQL utilities.
PORT This option sets port number that will be used to connect to Sybase database.
USER Specifies the user name that is used in generated scripts for the BCP and ISQL utilities (Parameter -U).
PWD Specifies the user password that is used in generated scripts for the BCP and ISQL utilities (Parameter -P).
TEMP_TAB_INDEXED_ALWAYS This option is used for SybaseASE to SybaseASE, when the detection for Cartesian Product works. If this option is specified as “Yes”, all the joins with temporary tables will be treated as indexed. So no Cartesian will be detected in this case. Otherwise the Cartesian will be detected if there is no information about the indexes created upon the temporary tables used in DML statement.
CLIENT_SIDE_CHARACTER_SET_CONVERSION This option specifies client-side character set conversion for the BCP utility (Parameter -Y).
Possible values: “Yes”, “No”. Default value is “No”.
CLIENT_SIDE_PWD_ENCRYPTION Specifies the client-side password encryption to the ISQL and BCP utilities commands (Parameter -X).
Possible values: “Yes”, “No”. Default value is “No”.
PREFETCH_SIZE Specifies the number of rows per batch of data copied. By default, bcp copies n rows in one batch, where n is equal to the batch size. Batch size applies only when you are bulk copying in; it has no effect on bulk copying out. The smallest number bcp accepts for batchsize is 1. The largest number bcp accepts for batchsize is 2147483647L.
IDENTIFIER_DELIMITER This option defines identifier delimiter that will be used in a query, which is used to get data from Sybase database.
BCP_COMMAND_LINE_CUSTOM_PARAMETERS This option allows you to set custom command line parameters to call the bcp utility in the executable file.
Usage Example.

By default it contains information about client_charset and has the value “-J iso_1”, but you can change this value or add new ones |

