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Sqlways.ini File - Section [Postgre]

This article describes sqlways.ini file's [Postgre] section and the options it contains.

Option name Description
HOST This option sets the host name where the import will be done.
DATABASE This option sets the database name where the import will be done.
USER This option sets the user account that will be used to connect to the PostgreSQL database.
PWD This option sets the password that will be used together with the user account to connect to the PostgreSQL database.
PORT This option sets the port number that will be used to connect to the PostgreSQL database.
TARGET_VERSION This option sets the version number of the database where the import will be done.
BIN This option sets the directory where the PSQL.exe utility is located.
USE_EXPLICIT_CURSORS This option controls the way cursors will be converted to the PostgreSQL database. If this option is set to “Yes”, an explicit cursor declaration will be used. If set to “No”, an implicit cursor declaration will be used.
Possible values: “Yes”, “No”.
REPLACE_NULL_BYTE_WITH In PostgreSQL it is not allowed to insert a null byte into a non-BYTEA data type column. Therefore, this option controls how the null byte should be changed to make correct import.
If the data type of the inserted column is BYTEA, this option will not work for that case.
SET_SEARCH_PATH_TO This option will add a “SET search_path TO” statement into each sql file generated by SQLWays Wizard. To use this option, you just need to specify a schema name that will be used in the “SET search_path TO” statement.
By default this option is empty.
DATA_LOAD_FORMAT This option defines the format in which data from the SQL Server database will be extracted and loaded into the PostgreSQL database. Possible values: “HEX” and “OCT”.
DOLLAR_QUOTED_PGSQL_MASK This option controls the dollar quotation in pgsql. The value specified here will be used instead of “$$” in Pl/PgSQL, which is set by default.
MULTIPLE_OUT_REFCURSOR_PARAM This option controls the conversion of Oracle multiple OUT REFCURSOR parameters to PostgreSQL. If this option is set to “Yes”, the OUT REFCURSOR parameters will be converted to OUT REFCURSOR parameters in PostgreSQL. If “No”, the Oracle procedure with OUT REFCURSOR parameters will be converted to a function which returns setof refcursors.
Possible values: “Yes”, “No” or Empty.
Default value: “Yes”.
AUTOUPDATE_TIMESTAMP_COLUMN This option controls the way how the TIMESTAMP column is converted from the Sybase ASE to the PostgreSQL database. If this option is set to “Yes”, then 2 triggers will be generated in PostgreSQL and they will update the information in the column. If this option is set to “No”, then it will be a common column of the BYTEA data type.
Possible values: “Yes”, “No” or Empty.
Default value: “No” or Empty.
USE_TABLE_FUNCTIONS This option controls how Sybase ASE procedures that return result sets will be converted to PostgreSQL. If this option is set to “Yes”, then the procedures will be converted to the table functions. If it is set to “No”, then such procedures will be converted into the functions that return result sets of a defined data type.
Possible values: “Yes”, “No” or Empty.
Default value: “No” or Empty.
VIRT_COL_SAVE_TBL_NAME This option works only for Oracle tables with virtual columns that should be converted to PostgreSQL. And it controls naming of the generated tables and views in PostgreSQL. If this option is set to “Yes”, then the generated tables will have the same names as in the Oracle database and SQLWays will add suffix “_VW” to the generated views. If this option is set to “No”, then the suffix “_TBL” will be added to the names of converted tables and the generated views will have the same names as the Oracle tables with virtual columns.
Possible values: “Yes”, “No” or Empty.
Default value: “No” or Empty.
ROWNUM_TO_GENERATE_SERIES This option controls how the Oracle Rownum function will be converted to the PostgreSQL database. If this option is set to “Yes”, it will be converted to GENERATE_SERIES. If this option is set to “No”, then the Oracle Rownum function will be converted to ROW_NUMBER() with OVER clause in PostgreSQL.
Possible values: “Yes” or Empty, “No”.
Default value: “Yes” or Empty.
CAST_PARAMETERS_IN_CALL This option controls whether the parameters in call routine statements should be casted to the appropriate data types in accordance to the routine signature.
Possible values: “Yes”, “No” or Empty.
Default value: “No” or Empty.
PARTITION_ENABLE This option is available for PostgreSQL version 10 and later and controls whether table partitioning should be migrated or not. To allow table partitions conversion, set this option to “Yes”. If table partitions conversion is not required, the value should be set to “No”.
Possible values: “Yes”, “No” or Empty.
Default value: “Yes” or Empty.
TABLES_WITH_OIDS This option defines whether the tables will be created with OID. The OID column is a system column created for each table. It contains the unique identifier for the row of data in the database and can be used as a unique pointer to an exact record in the database. By default this option is set to “No”. This means that all the CREATE TABLE statements will be created with the WITH OIDS option.
Possible values: “Yes”, “No” or Empty.
Default value: “No”.
TABLESPACE With this option, you can specify the tablespace name that will be used in CREATE TABLE statements in PostgreSQL.
Default value: Empty.
INDEX_TABLESPACE With this option, you can specify the tablespace name that will be used in CREATE INDEX statements in PostgreSQL.
Default value: Empty.
USE_SOURCE_TABLESPACE_NAMES This option defines whether the original tablespace names will be used in the converted object definitions.
Possible values: “Yes”, “No” or Empty.
Default value: “No” or Empty.
DATA_MIGRATOR_BIN_DIRECTORY This option allows to specify the path to the folder which contains the ISOFDM.exe tool. Usually the path specification is not required as SQLWays automatically searches for the BIN directory. If the text-box is empty, first it will search the PATH variable, then it will search the registry. If the path to ISOFDM.exe cannot be found, no path will be added to the command and system may return an error when executing the command.
Default value: Empty.
RAISERROR_TO_SWP This option defines the way of the RAISERROR statements conversion when migrating from Sybase ASA to PostgreSQL. If this option is set to “Yes”, then the RAISERROR statements will be converted to the user defined SWP_RAISERROR procedures in PostgreSQL. If this option is set to “No”, then it will be converted to the RAISE EXCEPTION statements.
Possible values: “Yes”, “No” or Empty.
Default value: “No” or Empty.
NOTE: The procedure defined SWP_RAISERROR will be generated by Ispirer Toolkit automatically.
USE_SSL This option defines whether SSL will be used to connect to the target database. If this option is set to “Yes”, then the tool will generate a command line that will use the information from the SSL options (SSL_MODE, CLIENT_CERTIFICATE, CLIENT_KEY, ROOT_CERTIFICATE) in order to connect to the target database using the SSL connection.
Possible values: “Yes”, “No” or Empty.
Default value: “No” or Empty.
SSL_MODE This option defines the SSL connection mode to the target database. This option is only taken into account when the USE_SSL option is set to “Yes”.
Possible values: allow, disable, prefer, requirer, verify-ca, verify-full.
CLIENT_CERTIFICATE This option defines the path to the Client SSL Certificate. This option is only taken into account when the USE_SSL option is set to “Yes”.
CLIENT_KEY This option defines the path to the Client SSL Key. This option is only taken into account when the USE_SSL option is set to “Yes”.
ROOT_CERTIFICATE This option defines the path to the Root Certificate. This option is only taken into account when the USE_SSL option is set to “Yes”.
RETURN_RESULT_FROM_SP_AND_FN This option determines the type of returned parameter of functions and procedures. By default, table functions will be converted to a function with RETURN TABLE. Other functions and procedures will be converted to functions with SETOF. If the conversion tool was not able to define the data types for the result set, REFCURSOR will be used as a returned result. If this option is set to “Table”, “Setof” or “Refcursor”, then the return type will be TABLE, Setof or Refcursor respectively. Possible values: “Table”, “Setof”, “REFCURSOR” and Empty. Default value: Empty.
Usage example
CONVERT_TBL_PAR This option determines how the table type parameters will be converted to PostgreSQL. If this option is empty, then the table type parameters will be converted to a VARCHAR parameter that will store the table name. The table name will be used instead of the parameter inside the body as well. If this option is set to JSON or JSONB, then the table type parameters will be converted to JSON\JSONB data type. The functions that work with JSON\JSONB will be used inside the object as well. This option works only for the Microsoft SQL Server to PostgreSQL direction.
Possible values: “JSON”, “JSONB”, Empty.
Default value: Empty.
SELECT_WITHOUT_FROM_TO_RAISE_NOTICE This option determines how to convert SELECT statements without a FROM clause. If this option is set to “Yes”, then SELECT statements without FROM will be converted to RAISE NOTICE in PostgreSQL. If it is set to “No”, then will be converted as it is.
Possible values: “Yes”, “No” or Empty.
Default value: “No” or Empty.
USER_TYPE_TO_BASE_TYPE This option determines how to convert user defined types. If this options is set to “Yes”, then the user defined types will be converted to the base data types. If it is set to “No”, then the user defined types will be left as it is.
Possible values: “Yes”, “No” or Empty.
Default value: “No” or Empty.
RETURN_WITH_SEL_TO_RASIE_NOTICE This option defines the conversion of objects that returns both result set from a SELECT and RETURN statement. If this option is set to “Yes” in PostgreSQL, an object will be generated that return the result set from a query, and the RETURN statement will be converted to a RAISE NOTICE. If this option is set to “No” or empty, then the parameter returning the value from the RETURN statement will be added to OUT.
Possible values: “Yes”, “No” or Empty.
Default value: “No” or Empty.
IDENTITY_OPTIONS This option defines the conversion of Identity options when migrating from Sybase ASE to PostgreSQL. If this option is set to Remove, then the identity options START and INCREMENT will be ommited in the target. If this option is set to empty or “All”, then the default conversion will be used, and all options will be saved.
Possible values: “Remove”, “All” or Empty.
Default value: “All” or Empty.
TABLE_TYPE_CONVERSION This option controls the way how the Oracle table data types like TYPE IS TABLE, VARRAY are converted to PostgreSQL. If the option is set to “Array”, then the arrays will be used instead of the types, and the types will not be created in PostgreSQL. 
If the option is set to “Tables”, then the temporary tables will be used. 
Possible values: “Arrays”, “Tables” or Empty. Default value: “Arrays” or Empty.
Usage example
IDENTITY_TO_SERIAL This option controls the way how the column with the IDENTITY property may be converted.
If the option is set to “No” or Empty, the IDENTITY property will be moved for PostgreSQL.
If the option is set to “Yes”, the IDENTITY property specified for the column will be converted as SERIAL for PostgreSQL.
Possible values: “Yes”, “No” or Empty. Default value: “No” or Empty.
Usage example
IDENTITY_COLUMN_TYPE This option changes the definition of the IDENTITY column. If the option set to “Always” or left empty, it is generated as GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY. Otherwise, it will be generated as GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY.
Possible values: “Default”, “Always” or Empty.
Default value: “Always” or Empty.
Usage example
TRIGGER_RECURSION_LVL This option adds the check of the trigger nesting level to the triggers with reсursion. By default, the option is empty and no check will be added. If the option has the value n, where n - is an integer number, then the WHEN statement (pg_trigger_depth() < n+1) will be added before the trigger function is called. This check will let the trigger function to be executed n times. Possible values: any positive integer value.
Usage example
AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION_TO_DBLINK This option controls how to convert procedures and functions with the AUTONOMOUS TRANSACTION pragma to the PostgreSQL database. If this option is set to “Yes”, these procedures will be converted to the recursive procedures with dblink to the remote database. An additional script will be generated in which FOREIGN SERVER and USER MAPPING will be created for the current user. This script should be executed as the superuser.
Possible values: “Yes”, “No”.
Default value: “No”.
Usage example
SECURITY_DEFINER This option allows to convert the PostgreSQL routines to SECURITY DEFINER. Please note that if any transaction control statements are mentioned in the source code, they will be commented out since they are not allowed in such functions/procedures.
Possible values: “Yes”, “No” or Empty.
Default value: “No” or Empty.
Usage example
TRIG_PROC_SCHEMA_PREFIX These options allow to add a prefix to the names of the schemas in which trigger functions will be created. A new schema will be created automatically. It may be useful if there is a need to separate them from user functions.
Usage example
TRIG_PROC_SCHEMA_SUFFIX These options allow to add a suffix to the names of the schemas in which trigger functions will be created. A new schema will be created automatically. It may be useful if there is a need to separate them from user functions.
Usage example
CONV_ALL_PROC_TO_FUNC This option controls how stored procedures are converted from Microsoft SQL Server to a PostgreSQL database. If the option is set to “Yes”, then all stored procedures will be converted to functions in PostgreSQL.
Possible values: “Yes”, “No” or Empty.
Default value: “No” or Empty.
Usage example
CASE_INSENS_DATA This option controls how to work around the issue with case-insensitive data. If COLLATION is set to this option, deterministic and non-deterministic collations will be generated during the conversion process.Non-deterministic COLLATION will be specified for each string column and for each string variable within procedures and functions. Deterministic COLLATION will be added when comparing string variables using ilike.
Possible values - “Default”, “Collation”, “Lower”, “Сitext”.
Default value - “Default”.
“Lower”, “Сitext” - are not implemented.
Usage example
RESOLVE_PARAMETER_NAME_AMBIGUITY The option works for Informix as the source database. If the option is set to “Yes” and a name without an alias is used in the select statement, the name of the current object will be appended to it. Otherwise the name will remain the same.
Possible values - “Yes”, “No”, Empty.
The default value is “No” or Empty.
Usage example
USE_CUSTOM_CAST_DATE_INT The option works for Informix as the source database. If the option is set to “Yes”, a set of custom CASTs will be created to convert data from the date type to integer types and vice versa. In this case, there is no need to make additional conversions.
Possible values - “Yes”, “No”, Empty.
The default value is “No” or Empty.
Usage example

