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Command-line Options
Syntax | Description | Example | Default Value |
/D | Data source name (ODBC alias) | /D=ODBC_conect | |
/U | User name | /U=sa | |
/P | Password | /P=pass | |
/O | Convert all objects according to the template | /O=*.* | |
/T | A table name, a list of tables or a table template | /T=dbo1.* | |
/V | A view name, a list or a template | /V=someschema.v* | |
/SP | A stored procedure name, a list or a template | /SP=any.sp_* | |
/FN | A function name, a list or a template | /FN=all.fn_* | |
/TG | A trigger name, a list or a template | /TG=trigger1 | |
/PKG | A package name, a list or a template | /PKG=pkg1 | |
/UA | A User account, a list or a template | /UA=*.* | |
/SQ | A sequence name, a list or a template | /SQ=*.* | |
/SN | A synonym name, a list or a template | /SN=*.* | |
/EX | An expression name, a list or a template | /EX=*.* | |
/F | A script files path, a name, a list or a template | /F=*.sql; /F=*.*; etc. | |
/FF | A text file with a list of script files path, a name, a list or a template | /FF=file_list.txt | |
The contents of the file_list.txt | Like: S:\POC\file1.p S:\POC\file2.p S:\POC\file15.p | ||
/S | SELECT statement | /S=SELECT * FROM Tab1 | |
/SF | File containing SELECT statement | /SF=S:\Select_stmt_folder\select_file.sql | |
/SROW | Start row | /SROW=10 | 1 |
/CNROWS | Number of rows to be exported | /CNROWS=100 | all rows |
/SOURCE | Type of a source database/application: | /SOURCE=Oracle | If you are not sure what values should be specified in this option for your directions, you just may contact us and we will provide you required information. |
/TARGET | Type of a target database/application: | /TARGET=DB2 /TARGET=MSSQL /TARGET=SybaseASE /TARGET=PostgreSQL | |
/SOURCE_DB | Type of a source database in an application: | /SOURCE_DB=Oracle | |
/TARGET_DB | Type of a target database in an application: | /TARGET_DB=Informix | the same as for the /SOURCE_DB) |
/SOURCE_API | Type of a source database API in an application: | /SOURCE_API=Oracle OCI | |
/TARGET_API | Type of a target database API in an application: | /TARGET_API=ODBC | the same as for the /SOURCE_API |
/TPROD | Product of a target database: DB2LUW - IBM DB2 DB2zOS - IBM DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 DB2iSeries - IBM DB2 for iSeries SybaseASE - Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise SybaseASA - Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere | /TPROD=DB2zOS | none |
/TVER | Target database version | /TVER=5.4 | |
/TH | Target host/server name | /TH=CompName | |
/TD | Target database name | /TD=Tdatabase | |
/TU | User name for a target database | /TU=ora | |
/TP | User password for a target database | /TP=tpassword | |
/IMPORD | Migration sequence: Clean - Create constraints before importing data Fast - Import data before creating constraints and indexes Ready - Create constraints and indexes before importing data | /MIGS=Fast | Clean |
/IMPS | Import system: Windows - Microsoft Windows Unix - Unix family | /IMPS=Unix | Windows |
/DIR | Directory for export files | /DIR=“C:\Some Import Dir\” | current |
/LOBDIR | Directory for LOB files | /LOBDIR=C:\Lobs_dir | subdirectory LOBS of /DIR |
/IMPDIR | Directory where import will be executed | /IMPDIR=S:\import\direct1 | /DIR |
/IMPLOB | Import directory for LOBs | /IMPLOB=S:\import\direct1\LOBS | subdir LOBS of /IMPDIR |
/OSN | Output schema (owner) name | /OSN=dbo1 | the source schema |
/OTN | Output table name | /OTN=new_tab_name | name of the source table |
/OFN | Output files name | /OFN=new_tab_name | name of the output table |
/OTF | Output text file name (possibly with an extension) | /OTF=new_table_name.txt | |
/DDL | Generate DDL statements only | /DDL | |
/OF | Output format: CSV - Column-delimited (CSV) output format FIX - Fixed positions output format TAB - TAB-delimited format INS - SQL INSERT statements XML - XML output format BTR - Btrieve output format | /OF=CSV | depends on /TARGET |
/CDEL | Column delimiter | /CDEL=SWV_CDEL | comma |
/LDEL | Line delimiter | /LDEL=SWV_LDEL | carriage return and new line symbols |
/DECPT | Decimal point character | /DECPT=, | period |
/STDEL | Statement termination string | /STDEL=; | semicolon |
/LOBIN | Write the LOB data inside a text file | /LOBIN | |
/TABLST | Generate a list of tables available by using template /T only | /TABLST | |
/R | Rows prefetch count | /R=2000 | 1000 |
/INI | Initialization file | /INI=S:\IspirerToolkit\sqlways1.ini | sqlways.ini |
/PRJF | Include Project file to migration process | /PRJF=“C:\Program Files\Ispirer\IspirerToolkit\sqlways.xml” | sqlways.xml |
/NSTOP | Continue when an error occurs | /NSTOP | |
/GCMD | General command file name | /GCMD=sqlways_all.bat | depends on /IMPS |
/NODDL | Not generate DDL scripts | /NODDL | |
/NOCMD | Not generate OS command files | /NOCMD | |
/RC | Generate replication scripts | /RC | |
/RPT | Report file name | /RPT=sqlways_report.html | sqlways_report.html |
/LOG | Log file name | /LOG=sqlways1.log | sqlways.log |
/TRACE | Run in trace mode | /TRACE | |
/REG | Run for registration | /REG | |
/UNREG | Run for unregistration | /UNREG | |
/HELP | Show help information | /HELP | |
/TEST | Generates testing scripts for a destination database | /TEST | |
/STATS | Collects statistics about DML objects along with conversion. If it is defined as LOC then only statistics about DML objects are collected If it is defined as DETAIL then statistics about all statements are collected along with data export. | /STATS /STATS=LOC /STATS=DETAIL | |
/ASSESS | Collects statistics about all statements without data export | /ASSESS |
/FF option usage Example:
sqlways.exe /D=FIXED /SOURCE=Progress 4GL /TARGET=CS /FF=S:\IspirerToolkit\Test\Auto\Progress 4GL\For Converter\CS\Ispirer\Option_FF_absolute\Objects.txt /INI=sqlways.ini /DIR=rslt The contents of the Objects.txt can be as follows: S:\IspirerToolkit\Test\Auto\Progress 4GL\For Converter\CS\Ispirer\Option_FF_absolute\src\bo\AbcCode\AbcCode.p S:\IspirerToolkit\Test\Auto\Progress 4GL\For Converter\CS\Ispirer\Option_FF_absolute\src\bo\zKey\zKey.p S:\IspirerToolkit\Test\Auto\Progress 4GL\For Converter\CS\Ispirer\Option_FF_absolute\src\lib\GetLangDesc.i
/O option usage Example: select all objects from all schemas:
sqlways.exe /IMPS=Windows /IMPORD=Clean /D=ORA /U=ora /P=ora /O=. /STDEL=GO /DIR=Export /LOG=sqlways.log /TARGET=Microsoft SQL Server /NSTOP /RPT=reports /GCMD=sqlways_all.bat /INI=sqlways_db.ini
/O option usage Example - select all objects from schema ORA:
sqlways.exe /IMPS=Windows /IMPORD=Clean /D=ORA /U=ora /P=ora /O=ORA.* /STDEL=GO /DIR=Export /LOG=sqlways.log /TARGET=Microsoft SQL Server /NSTOP /RPT=reports /GCMD=sqlways_all.bat /INI=sqlways_db.ini
/T option usage Example - select all tables from schema ORA:
sqlways.exe /IMPS=Windows /IMPORD=Clean /D=ORA /U=ora /P=ora /T=ORA.* /STDEL=GO /DIR=Export /LOG=sqlways.log /TARGET=Microsoft SQL Server /NSTOP /RPT=reports /GCMD=sqlways_all.bat /INI=sqlways_db.ini
/T option usage Example - select table TAB1 from schema ORA:
sqlways.exe /IMPS=Windows /IMPORD=Clean /D=ORA /U=ora /P=ora /T=ORA.TAB1 /STDEL=GO /DIR=Export /LOG=sqlways.log /TARGET=Microsoft SQL Server /NSTOP /RPT=reports /GCMD=sqlways_all.bat /INI=sqlways_db.ini
/T option usage Example - select several tables from different schemas:
sqlways.exe /IMPS=Windows /IMPORD=Clean /D=ORA /U=ora /P=ora /T="ORA.TAB1|DB.TAB1|DB2.TABLE" /STDEL=GO /DIR=Export /LOG=sqlways.log /TARGET=Microsoft SQL Server /NSTOP /RPT=reports /GCMD=sqlways_all.bat /INI=sqlways_db.ini
/SP option usage Example - select several procedures from different schemas:
sqlways.exe /IMPS=Windows /IMPORD=Clean /D=ORA /U=ora /P=ora /SP="ORA.PROC1|DB.PR1|DB2.PR_PR" /STDEL=GO /DIR=Export /LOG=sqlways.log /TARGET=Microsoft SQL Server /NSTOP /RPT=reports /GCMD=sqlways_all.bat /INI=sqlways_db.ini