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Ispirer Capabilities: Sybase ASE Migration
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Sybase ASE: ODBC Driver Configuration
After installing the Sybase client on your Windows system you need to tune the ODBC connection to the server and database required.
For this purpose in “ODBC Data Source Administrator” you need to go to “System DSN” tab and click “Add…” button.
In “Create New Data Source” window please choose the Sybase driver, like the one in the picture below:
Please specify the connection information like the one listed below.
In “Network Address” field set up the host name of the ASE server. The default port for ASE server is 5000.
You can also set up the behavior of Sybase ODBC driver during reading the data from tables:
Set UseCursor=1 (default is 0). If UseCursor=1 is specified, Sybase ODBC driver uses cursor to read data from tables, otherwise it reads the entire content of the table during SQLPrepare that can leads to “out of memory” errors for large tables.
After specifying the ODBC connection and testing that it works, using the “Test Connection” button, you will be able to see the DSN name in the SQLWays Wizard, like in the picture below:
Please use this DSN for your connection.
If you have any other questions, please contact us: