Ispirer Website Ispirer Capabilities: PostgreSQL Migration Free Trial

PostgreSQL: Advanced Options

At the “Target Options” page of SQLWays Wizard you can see the button “Advanced”, which opens the window with additional options for target database:


In PostgreSQL tables and indexes can be stored in separate tablespaces. In SQLWays you can specify the tablespace for Tables or Indexes in the target PostgreSQL database, or Use tablespace names from source database in the Tablespaces section of the Advnaced page.

Create tables with OIDS

OID column is a system column created for each table. It contains the unique identifier for the row of data in the database and can be used as a unique pointer to the exact record in the database. As the default the check-box is checked. This means that all the CREATE TABLE statements will be created with the WITH OIDS option.

SSL Settings

These options allows to use SSL connection to the target PostgreSQL database.

Use SSL Connection
This checkbox defines whether SSL will be used to connect to the target database. If this option is checked, then client need to provide all the required options in SSL section in order to connect to PostgreSQL using SSL connection.

SSL Mode
This option defines the SSL mode. Possible values: allow, disable, prefer, require, verify-ca, verify-full.

Client Certificate
This option defines path to the Client Certificate on the local machine.

Client Key
This option defines path to the Client Key on the local machine.

Root Certificate
This option defines path to the Root Certificate on the local machine.

This options allows you to choose encoding in which the source script is read and which encoding is used for storing converted objects. By default for Encoding option the UTF8 value is selected, but you can choose other value from dropdown list:

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