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Preserving Non-Ansi Symbols in Business Logic and Data


For example when running a conversion in SQLWays Wizard on Japanese locale, it doesn't extract Shift-JIS encoding properly, it corrupts all Japanese characters instead.


The Oracle option to extract Japanese characters from the source database and to display correctly the Japanese locale has not been set.


In order to extract all Japanese characters correctly from Oracle database working with Japanese locale, Oracle environment needs to be configured as follows: In the following path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE → SOFTWARE → Wow6432Node → ORACLE → KEY_OraDb11g_home1 please set NLS_LANG parameter in Japanese_Japan.JA16SJIS

Ispirer Note:

 For Japanese characters you can try to use the NLS_LANG parameter provided in the article. For Korean characters you can try to set NLS_LANG parameter to KOREAN_KOREA.KO16MSWIN949.
 For other types of characters we recommend to check the appropriate value of NLS_LANG parameters in the Oracle documentation. 

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