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Oracle: Advanced Options

At the “Target Options” page of SQLWays Wizard you can see the button “Advanced”, which opens the window with additional options for target database:

Options on the “Advanced” tab for Oracle as a target database are divided into the following sections:

  • SQL Loader Options - includes options for sqlldr.exe utility
  • SQL Plus Options - includes options for sqlplus.exe utility
  • Tablespaces Options - includes options for tablespaces conversion

SQL Loader Options


Identifies the number of rows you want to read from the datafile before data save for Direct path loads. The default is to read all the rows and to save data at the end of the load.


The name of the executable module of the Oracle SQL Loader. The default value is sqlldr.exe.

Data Option

Specifies loading option in the generated SQL Loader control file. Possible values: Insert, Append, Replace, Truncate. The default value is Insert.

Max Errors

Defines maximum number of allowed errors, after which the loader process will exit. When this option is empty, the default value equal to 50 will be applied.

Bind Size

The BINDSIZE parameter specifies the maximum size (in bytes) of the bind array.

Read Size

The READSIZE parameter allows you to specify (in bytes) the size of the read buffer, if you choose not to use the default.

Stream Size

The STREAMSIZE parameter specifies the size (in bytes) of the data stream sent from the client to the server.


Identifies the number of rows you want to read from the datafile before data save for Direct path loads. The default is to read all the rows and to save data at the end of the load.

Character Set

This option defines the encoding that will be used to store the extracted data in the files in export folder and then will be used to load this data into Oracle database.

Length Semantics

This option controls length semantics for character data type columns in Oracle. Possible values - “CHAR”, “BYTE”.

Use Direct Path Load

Specifies the Oracle SQL Loader method to use either conventional or direct path. Possible values - Yes, No. “Yes” specifies a direct path load. “No” specifies a conventional path load.


If checked, data load process will be performed in the UNRECOVERABLE mode.

Use DECODE For Empty CHARs

Specifies generating DECODE function in the SQL Loader control file for CHAR NOT NULL columns for fixed-length text file. Possible values - Yes, No. The default value is “No”. If you want to load the fields that contain only blanks into CHAR NOT NULL columns and the text file has the fixed length format, you have to use DECODE function, because SQL Loader treats blanks as NULLs. Set this option to “Yes” and SQLWays will generate DECODE function to convert NULLs to blanks.

SQL Plus Options


The name of the executable module of Oracle SQL Plus. The default value is sqlplus.exe.

Generate The EXIT Command

If checked, the SQL Plus EXIT command is generated at the end of DDL scripts. This allows to execute DDL scripts from multiple files in batch mode.

Use The TO_DATE Function

If checked, the TO_DATE function with the corresponding date format is generated for DATE columns in SQL INSERT statements for SQL Plus. This allows to insert rows that contain DATE columns when the date format differs from the default date format for Oracle database. If unchecked, the TO_DATE function is not generated in SQL INSERT statements. Possible values - Yes, No. The default value is “Yes”.

Tablespace Options


Defines tablespace name for tables.


Defines tablespace name for indexes.

Use Tablespace Names From Source Database

If checked, tablespace name from source database will be used for tables and indexes.

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