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Ispirer Capabilities: Informix Migration
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Export Process Takes Much Time
When migrating from huge Informix database, it may take a lot of time to read the database structure during the export process, even if only one object specified for a conversion.
This situation may appear, because our tool tries to execute UPDATE STATISTICS statement for all tables and routines in the current Informix database in order to update system catalogs with the actual information about the objects in the database. And when the source Informix database is big, it may take a lot to execute this statement.
If you are sure that in system catalogs the actual information is stored or you don't need UPDATE STATISTICS to be executed, you can omit this statement from export process by setting an option IFMX_UPDATE_STATISTICS to “No” in the sqlways_wzd.ini options file. It can be found in the directory like “c:\Users\[your_current_user]\Documents\Ispirer\SQLWays 7.0\” or you can open it by clicking “Edit Options File” button on the “Review the selections page”:
And specify “IFMX_UPDATE_STATISTICS=No” in the opened file in the [DATA] section:
If you have any other questions, please contact us: