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Ispirer Capabilities: DB2 Migration
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DB2 ODBC Driver Configuration
To create ODBC connect to DB2 LUW, please fulfill the following steps:
1) Install “IBM Data Server Client” from IBM site.
2) Run the “ODBC Data Source Administration” utility and click “Add” button:
3) Choose the IBM DB2 ODBC Driver:
4) Specify Data source name and click “Add” button:
5) Specify User name and password that will be used to connect to DB2 database at the “Data Source” tab:
6) At the “TCP/IP” tab provide the credentials to connect to the database, like db name, db alias, host and a port:
7) Then click “OK” and you will see new Data Source created for DB2 database:
This Data source should be used in Ispirer Toolkit to connect to the DB2 database.