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IBM DB2 LUW: Advanced Options
At the “Target Options” page of SQLWays Wizard you can see the button “Advanced”, which opens the window with additional options for target database:
Common Options
Use Full Path To BIN Directory
If checked, SQLWays Wizard will generate command to the native db2.exe utility using the full path to this utility.
Timestamp Format
This option specifies the format of the timestamp columns in the text file when the target database is IBM DB2. Possible values - IBM DB2, ISO. The default value is IBM DB2 that means using the IBM DB2 native format of timestamps. The IBM DB2 native format is YYYY-MM-DD-HH.MI.SS.FFFFFF. The IBM DB2 IMPORT command requires this format to import text files containing timestamps not enclosed by double quotes (TAB delimited output format e.g.). When ISO is specified, the ISO format of timestamps will be used. The ISO format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS.FFFFFF. The IBM DB2 IMPORT command can import timestamp values in the ISO format, when they are enclosed by double quotes (CSV output format e.g.). Note. This option is ignored when any value is specified in the option DATETIME_FORMAT (see earlier in the [DATA] subsection). For example, when DATETIME_DATATYPE=DATE is specified, the datetime datatypes will be converted to DATE in IBM DB2.
Utilities Options
Use the IMPORT\LOAD Command
These two options control what command will be used to move data into the IBM DB2 database. By default LOAD command is checked.
Load From a Remote Client
If this option is checked, the CLIENT option is used in the IBM DB2 LOAD command. This option specifies that the data can reside on a remote client. Otherwise, the data must reside on the IBM DB2 server.
Nonrecoverable Load
If “Yes” is specified, the NONRECOVERABLE option is added to the IBM DB2 LOAD command. This option specifies that the load transaction is to be marked as non-recoverable, and that it will not be possible to recover it by a subsequent roll forward action. With this option, when the database is configured to support online backups, table spaces are not put in backup pending state following the load operation.
Modified By
Specifies additional options that are added to the modified by option of the IBM DB2 IMPORT and LOAD utilities. Some options like character, column delimiters and others are added to the IBM DB2 IMPORT/LOAD scripts by SQLWays Wizard. You can use this option if you need other options to be added to the modified by option. For example, set modifiedby_options=usedefaults delprioritychar and these options will be added to the modified by option in each script for the IBM DB2 IMPORT/LOAD utilities.
Batch Size
Specifies that the load utility is to establish consistency points after every n rows. This value is converted to a page count, and rounded up to intervals of the extent size. Since a message is issued at each consistency point, this option should be selected if the load operation will be monitored using LOAD QUERY. If the value of n is not sufficiently high, the synchronization of activities performed at each consistency point will impact performance.
Database Name
This option will add IN [database_name] clause to the converted table definition, that controls in what database this table should be created. By default this option is empty.
Specifies the table space in which the tables will be created. The table space must exist, and be a REGULAR table space. If no other table space is specified, all table parts will be stored in this table space. The default value is USERSPACE1.
Specifies the table space in which any indexes on the tables will be created. The specified table space must exist, be a REGULAR DMS table space.
Large Objects
Specifies the table space in which the values of any long columns (LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARGRAPHIC, LOB data types) will be stored. The table space must exist, be a LONG DMS table space.
Use Separate Tablespaces
If checked, separate tablespaces will be used for each table.
Use Tablespace Names From Source Database
If checked, tablespace name from source database will be used for tables and indexes.
Single-Byte Codepage
This option specifies Single-Byte codepage, that will be used in the .IXF file, generated during the conversion step.
Double-Byte Codepage
This option specifies Double-Byte codepage, that will be used in the .IXF file, generated during the conversion step.
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