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Amazon Aurora (compatibility with PostgreSQL): Bin Directory and Utilities to Perform Import

SQLWays Wizard is able to execute the import process automatically. To perform it, user should provide target database credentials and Bin Directory.

Bin Directory is a path to a folder where the command line utility of the target database is located (like psql.exe, sqlcmd.exe, mysql.exe and others). The import process is performed with using this utility: the import native utility connects to the target database using database credentials and tries to create all the objects that were converted by the tool.

So, providing the correct Bin Directory is extremely important for making an import. A user have to install the DB client for a target database or load the appropriate utility on their local machine.

To perform import into the Aurora database in the Bin directory option we need to specify a path to the folder containing psql.exe utility. By default it could be the directory like: C:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\[version_number]\bin\. Or you can specify any other directory during the installation process of PGAdmin tool.

If there is no such utility on the machine where migration process will take place you can download the PGAdmin tool from the PostgreSQL official website and install it.

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