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How to Migrate Data into Existing Database

If you want to overwrite the table definitions, you can specify generate DROP TABLE statements option in SQLWays Wizard. Please see the Generate Drop Table Statements option.

To load the data into existing table structure without recreating it, uncheck the Generate DDL option. In this case, SQLWays Wizard will transfer only data.

You can find this option on the “Conversion Options” page. You just need to click on “Tables” branch in the object's tree and select “Generation Options” in the dropdown box of the “DDL” tab. After that please uncheck “Generate DDL” option and run the migration. In this case SQLWays Wizard tool will extract, convert and load only data, without the objects definitions.

Also before running the migration please check whether the “Export Data” option is switched on. To do that, please click the “Data” tab on the same page:

NOTICE: Please note, when running data only migration, the SQLWays Wizard will append the data into table so you need to be sure that target table doesn't contain the same rows and there are no constraints in the database that will not allow to push the data into tables in your target database. Otherwise, you will have to disable such constraints in your database before the migration and enable them after the migration process is finished.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us at