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Which Export File Formats are Supported by SQLWays
SQLWays Wizard exports data from the source database to the UTF8 text files (export files). Depending on the selected target database, the most suitable export file formats for data transferring are:
Column-delimited (CSV) output format, Fixed length output format (FIX), TAB-delimited output format (TAB), SQL INSERT statements (INS), XML output format (XML) or Btrieve UTF8 output format (BTR).
To set up the format for export files you should open “Conversion Options” page, select “Tables” item in object's tree, at tab “Data” select item “Files” from drop down list, switch off the “Default for the target” checkbox and set up the format for exported data by selection from dropdown list:
If the target database is Oracle, IBM DB2 or not specified, by default, the output format of the text file is the CSV format.
If the target database is Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase or MySQL, by default, the output format of the text file is the TAB format.
If the target database is Pervasive, by default, the output format of the text file is BTR.
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