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Sqlways.ini File - Section [PERVASIVE]

This article describes sqlways.ini file's [P] section and the options it contains.

Option name Description
SERVER_NAME Specifies the host\server name where Pervasive database is located.
BIN Specifies the directory where the Pervasive.SQL utilities like BUTIL are located.
DATA_DIR Specifies the directory where the database data files (.mkd files) are located. This option is used for the BUTIL utility.
DATABASE Specifies the database name (ODBC alias) that is used in generated scripts for Pervasive.SQL.
USER Specifies the user name that is used in generated scripts for Pervasive.SQL.
PWD Specifies the user password that is used in generated scripts for Pervasive.SQL.
PWD Specifies the user port number that is used in generated scripts for Pervasive.SQL.
TARGET_VERSION Specifies the version of Pervasive database.