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Sqlways.ini File - Section [MSAZURESQL]

This article describes sqlways.ini file's [MSAZURESQL] section and the options it contains.

Option name Description
BIN Specifies the directory where Microsoft SQL Server utilities like BCP and ISQL are located.
SERVER_NAME Specifies the server name which is used in generated scripts for the BCP and ISQL utilities (Parameter -S of BCP).
DATABASE Specifies the database name which is used in generated scripts for the BCP and ISQL utilities.
USER Specifies the user name which is used in generated scripts for the BCP and ISQL utilities (Parameter -U of BCP). To use this option, the option TRUSTED_CONNECTION (see below) must be set to “No”.
PWD Specifies the user password which is used in generated scripts for the BCP and ISQL utilities (Parameter -P of BCP). To use this option the option TRUSTED_CONNECTION (see below) must be set to “No”.
TRUSTED_CONNECTION Specifies that a trusted connection to Microsoft Azure SQL Database is used in generated scripts for the BCP and ISQL utilities (Parameters -T of BCP and -E of ISQL). When “Yes” is specified, security credentials of the network user are used and a user name (login_id) and a password are not required. Possible values are “Yes”, “No”. The default value is “No”.
MAX_ERRORS Specifies the maximum number of errors that can occur before the BCP utility is canceled. Each row that cannot be copied by BCP is ignored and counted as one error (Parameter -m of BCP). The default value is “10”.
CODE_PAGE Specifies a code page of the data in the data file for the BCP utility (Parameter -C of BCP). The following values can be specified for the this option:
* ACP - ANSI/Microsoft Windows (ISO 1252).
* OEM - Default code page used by the client. This is the default code page used by bcp if -C is not specified.
* RAW - No conversion from one code page to another is taking place.
* <value> - Specific code page number, for example, 437.
MS_QUOTED_IDENTIFIER This option defines the way how MSSQL native utilities (sqlcmd.exe and bcp.exe) will treat quoted delimiters and data. If this option is set to “Yes” identifiers should be delimited with double quotes and literals should be delimited with single quotation marks. When this option is set to “No”, only brackets [] can be used to delimit identifiers and double quotation marks will be used to delimit character strings.
Possible values - “Yes”, “No” or empty.
Default value - “No” or empty.
USE_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY This option switches authentication mechanism to use ACTIVE DIRECTORY authentication. Thus, if this option is set to “Yes”, option -G will be added into the commands to SQLCMD and BCP utilities. The -G switch requires at least sqlcmd version 13.1.
Possible values - “Yes”, “No” or empty.
Default value - “No” or empty.
BATCH_SIZE Specifies the number of rows per batch of data copied. By default, bcp copies n rows in one batch, where n is equal to the batch size. Batch size applies only when you are bulk copying in; it has no effect on bulk copying out. The smallest number bcp accepts for batchsize is 1.
CASE_SENSITIVE_COLLATION This option checks object names case. If this option is set to “Yes”, the tool will check the object names taking into account name case. If two objects have the same names and they are written in the same way, for example 'Tab' and 'Tab', in this case suffix will be added to one of the objects. If there are two objects with the same names, but they are written in different manner, for example 'Tab' and 'TAB', no suffix will be added, as this option is set to “Yes”.
USE_SOURCE_FILEGROUP_NAMES If this option is set to “Yes”, filegroup names from source database will be used for tables and indexes.
Possible values - “Yes”, “No” or empty.
Default value - “No” or empty.
TABLE_FILEGROUP This option defines FILEGROUP for tables.
INDEX_FILEGROUP This option defines FILEGROUP for indexes.
FK_DEL_CASCADE_SET_NULL_TO_TRIG This option defines how to convert ON DELETE CASCADE and ON DELETE SET NULL foreign key options from Firebird database to MSSQL. If it is set to Yes, then ON DELETE CASCADE and ON DELETE SET NULL foreign key options will be converted into a trigger that emulates the same behavior as in Firebird.
Possible values - “Yes”, “No” or Empty.
Default value - “No” or Empty.
FK_UPD_CASCADE_SET_NULL_TO_NO_ACT This option defines how to convert ON UPDATE CASCADE and ON UPDATE SET NULL foreign key options from Firebird database to MSSQL. If it is set to Yes, then ON UPDATE CASCADE and ON UPDATE SET NULL foreign key options will be converted into ON UPDATE NO ACTION in Microsoft SQL Server.
Possible values - “Yes”, “No” or Empty.
Default value - “No” or Empty.
USE_SCOPE_IDENTITY This option defines how to convert @@identity global variable when migrating from Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere to Microsoft SQL Server. If it is set to Yes, then @@identity will be converted to SCOPE_IDENTITY() in Microsoft SQL Server. If this option is set to No, then @@identity global variable will be left as is in MS SQL.
Possible values - “Yes”, “No” or Empty.
Default value - “No” or Empty.
