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Sqlways.ini File - Section [INGRES]
This article describes sqlways.ini file's [INGRES] section and the options it contains.
Option name | Description |
BIN | Specifies the directory where ingres.exe utility is located. |
HOST | Specifies a remote host name where the target Ingres database is located. |
DATABASE | Specifies the database name which is used in generated scripts for Ingres. |
PORT | This option sets a port number that will be used to connect to Ingres database. |
TARGET_VERSION | Specifies the target version of Ingres database. If this option is empty, the latest Ingres database version will be used. Note: According to the version number conversion results may differ. |
USER | Specifies the user name which is used in generated scripts for Ingres. |
PWD | Specifies the user password which is used in generated scripts for Ingres. |
TABLE_TYPE | This option specifies table type which will be used when creating tables in Ingres database. |
DATA_LOAD_OPTION | If “Replace” is specified, existing rows will be updated in an existing table based on primary or unique key information or added to the table if a primary key doesn't match. If “Ignore” is specified, existing rows in the table will not be updated when primary or unique key values are equivalent to existing values in the table. The rows from the text file which do not match primary or unique key in the table are inserted. |
CHARACTER_SET | This option defines the encoding that will be used to store the extracted data in the files in export folder. |
IMPORT_FROM_CLIENT | If “Yes” is specified, the LOCAL keyword is generated for Ingres LOAD DATA INFILE command which is used to import data to Ingres. When LOCAL is specified, data files can be located on the client host. If “No” is specified, the LOCAL keyword will not be generated so data files must be located on the server before importing. Possible values - “Yes”, “No”. The default value is “Yes”. |
PRESERVE_COMMENTS | This option controls whether the comments inside the sql should be saved during the import process. If this option is set to “Yes”, SQLWays will generate a command to mysql.exe utility with a ”–comments” option. And mysql.exe utility will save the comments inside the sql code during the import. If this option is set to “No”, SQLWays will use ”–skip comments” option with mysql.exe utility. And this utility will not save comments inside the SQL code during import. Possible values - “Yes” or “No”. Default value - “No” or Empty. |
CREATE_CONDITION_HANDLER | This option was created to emulate the Transact-SQL behavior inside Ingres stored procedures and functions when an error arises in one of the statements inside the procedure or function body. By default this option is set to “Yes” and SQLWays adds the CONDITION HANDLER to each “BEGIN…END” block that handles the error without terminating the procedure or function execution. The errors are hidden in this case. When this option is set to “No”, no CONDITION HANDLER is added and the first error encountered during the procedure or function run terminates the procedure or function execution. The error message is returned after the procedure terminates. Possible values - “Yes” or “No”. Default value - “Yes”. |
ENABLE_LOCAL_LOAD | This option controls the local data load into Ingres database. If this option is set to “Yes”, ingers.exe utility will be run with the local-infile option, which allows to use LOAD DATA LOCAL command in the .ldi file to load data into the target server from the local machine. Possible values - “Yes”, “No” or Empty. Default value - “Yes”. |
[INGRES] HOST=hostname DATABASE=test USER=root SSL_CA=D:\test\ca-file.pem SSL_MODE=VERIFY_IDENTITY