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Sqlways.ini File - Section [HPNonStop]

This article describes sqlways.ini file's [HPNonStop] section and the options it contains.

Option name Description
TARGET_VERSION Specifies the target version for HP NonStop SQL/MX database.
HOST Specifies a remote host name where the target HP NonStop SQL/MX database is located.
DATABASE Specifies the database name that is used in generated scripts for HP NonStop SQL/MX.
USER Specifies the user name that is used in generated scripts for HP NonStop SQL/MX.
PWD Specifies the user password that is used in generated scripts for HP NonStop SQL/MX.
PORT Specifies the database server port for HP NonStop SQL/MX.
BIN Specifies the directory where HP NonStop SQL/MX utilities are located.
USE_CONVERT_VARCHAR_TO_CHAR This option controls whether to convert VARCHAR data type to CHAR data type while converting to HP NonStop SQL/MX. The upper limit of VARCHAR size for which the conversion is required is controlled by CONVERT_VARCHAR_TO_CHAR option. The default value is “Yes”.
CONVERT_VARCHAR_TO_CHAR This option controls the upper limit of VARCHAR size for which the conversion from VARCHAR to CHAR is required. The optimal default value is 20.
CONVERT_MULTILINE_TO_SINGLELINE_COMMENT This option controls the way the multi-line comments are converted to HP NonStop SQL/MX. The default value is “No”.
DEFAULT_STORAGE This option controls the partitioning mechanism used while converting to HP NonStop SQL/MX. The default value is HASH_PARTITION_BY, which means that HASH PARTITION is used by default.
RANGE_PART_XML_GEN This option allows you to collect the information about RANGE PARTITIONS while doing the conversion from Oracle to HP NonStop SQL/MX. If this option is set to “Yes”, the range_part_spec.xml file is generated during the conversion. This file can be subsequently used for RANGE PARTITION conversion from Oracle database/script to HP NonStop SQL/MX. The default value is “No”.
PARTITION_FILE This option allows you to specify the location of the generated range_part_spec.xml file for RANGE PARTITION conversion from Oracle to HP NonStop SQL/MX. The location is specified as the absolute path to file, e.g.: S:\Sqlways\Oracle\Ispirer\HPNonStop\Range_partition_conversion\range_part_spec.xml
DATA_INSERT This option controls the way the source data is extracted and prepared for the loading to the target database. If this option is set to “Single”, then only one INSERT statement will be generated and it will include all the data from a table. If “Multiple” is used, INSERT statement will be generated for each row of a table. If “Prepare” is used - PREPARE statement will be generated with INSERT, and data will be passed as parameters to the INSERT statement while being executed.
Possible values - “Single”, “Multiple”, “Prepare”.
Default value - “Multiple”.
SINGLE_INSERT_BUFFER_SIZE Controls the maximum size of data in bytes in INSERT statement that will be generated to load the data into HPNonStop. This option works only for cases when option DATA_INSERT is set to “Single”.
Default value - 32000.
EXT_PATH This option defines the external path clause in the generated NONSTOP procedures.
ADD_SPJMETHOD This option defines how to add the spj method to the generated methods. If this option is set to “Yes”, spj methods will be added for all methods. If it is set to “[path_to_file]” - spj will be added only for the specified method.
Default value - “Yes”.
ADD_DEFAULT_ATTRIBS This option defines whether SQLWays will add default values for table and index attributes in HPNonStop, like LOCATION, AUDITCOMPRESS, BLOCKSIZE, CLEARONPURGE, EXTENT, MAXEXTENTS.
Possible values - “Yes”, “No” or Empty.
Default value - “Yes”.
For more information about default values of these attributes, please contact our support team.

