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Sqlways.ini File - Section [DATA_MIGRATOR]

This article describes the options that can be used when working with On The Fly Data Migration tool.

Please also note that On The Fly Data Migration Tool is an additional tool that allows to migrate data directly from one database to another without saving information in files on your local machine.

Option name Description
USE_DATA_MIGRATION_TOOL This option defines if On The Fly Data Migrator tool will be used in current migration process.
Possible values - “Yes”, “No”. Default value - “No”.
BIN_DIRECTORY_DATA_MIGRATOR In this option we need to provide a path to On the Fly Data Migrator tool.
Possible values - “Yes”, “No”. Default value - “No”.
NBR_OF_ROWS_PREFETCHED This option defines the number of prefetched rows.
NBR_OF_ROWS_LOADED_PER_INSERT This option defines the number of rows, that will be inserted into the target database within one insert statement.
COMMIT_SIZE Defines commit size.
TRUNCATE_TARGET_TABLES Defines whether the target tables should be truncated or not.
Possible values - “Yes”, “No”.
Default value - “No”.
DISABLE_TRIGGERS Defines whether to disable triggers before loading the data into the target database.
Possible values - “Yes”, “No”.
Default value - “Yes”.
DISABLE_CONSTRAINTS Defines whether to disable constraints before loading the data into the target database.
Possible values - “Yes”, “No”.
Default value - “Yes”.
TENCODING Defines table encoding.
TRACE_LEVEL Defines the trace level from 0 to 4. The greater number is specified, the more information will be saved in the trace file.
TABLE_LIST_FILE Path to the file with the list of tables, that should be migrated using On The Fly Data Migrator.



If you have any questions about the supported options or any features that you may need during your migration project, please contact our technical team: support@ispirer.com