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How to Run Ispirer SQLWays Wizard in a Parallel Mode

Running the Ispirer SQLWays Wizard tool in a parallel mode can be quite useful when:

  • When migrating a huge database with a great number of sql objects and data
  • Migrating a great number of databases
  • Migrating one very huge table.

In these cases you may optimize your migration process by running the tool in a parallel mode. It may significantly increase performance of your migration project.

To migrate in a parallel mode you just need to run several instances of the Ispirer SQLWays Wizard tool. For example, launching the first process of the Ispirer SQLWays Wizard, specify the set of objects that should be migrated during the first process. Then launch the same tool again and specify another set of objects or another database for conversion. And in the same way you can run as many processes as you need, but to do this, it's important to have powerful working environment to be able to run more than 5 processes of Ispirer SQLWays Wizard.

Also, please, note that each instance of Ispirer SQLWays Wizard should have its own project directory, like it is shown on the screenshot:

- We recommend to divide the whole migration scope into the sets of objects that are independent from each other.
- If you are migrating a huge database or one table in separate processes, we recommend that the size of the data should be approximately equal in each migration set.
- Step by Step guide on how to migrate one table in parallel mode can be found here: optimize-migration-process-large-tables
- If you have any additional questions on how the migration process can be optimized, please, contact our support team:

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